Friday 25 July 2014

Chemtrails: More than What Meets Your Eye!

By now, you must know that the Geoengineering projects are aimed towards lessening 'Global Warming' and making 'Weather Improvements' by spraying Chemtrails in the skies. However, what you might not know is that it is not just about curbing Global Warming.  It is way beyond what meets the eye...

Authorities speak; really?

When the knowledgeable lawmakers, government authorities and geoengineers are cornered by the citizens over the persistent trails in their skies, they ignore the questions and play blame games.
But you might not know that there have been international agreements signed by developed nations to undertake these geo-engineering projects and they are pursuing it... Without anyone stopping them!

Carbon Emissions: Whom to blame?

It is said that the elite groups and the companies that earn from these activities spread rumors like “Global warming is caused pertaining to the normal human activities.” And they back up these proofs by presenting faulty science facts through their puppet scientists. Burning hydrocarbon fuels to drive our cars might not be the only cause responsible for global warming...Think about it...

The anti-carbon emission activists are also using the term "climate change" and blaming people for causing weather disasters. But the fact is that it is due to geoengineering that there are drastic climate changes happening!

What is being done to us?

Metals sprayed in the sky are meant to reflect the sun rays that make the atmosphere hot. Infact, the Solar Radiation Management projects are causing Vitamin D deficiency and leading us to experience deterioration in health. The trees and animals are also dying.

Chemtrails are creating holes in the ozone layer and enabling the Ultra Violet rays through pass through the atmosphere which are proving to be very harmful for the beings on earth.

You might not know that these activities are undertaken in the financial interest of the elite groups and they are responsible for spreading the false research statistics by creating the term 'Global Warming'. Actually, they have their own agendum. Secretly known as: Chemtrails!

It is a wakeup call for all you activists out there! Fight against chemtrails! Visit the website and download the SkyderALERT App. Know more about what is happening in your skies through the movie Look UP. Buy the DVDs and watch what is jeopardizing the lives on earth!

Tuesday 22 July 2014

The Skies Are Cloudy with A Chance of 'Chemtrails'!

Who says the skies are blue? The ones around me are white! You bet? After some years, it will be quite normal to hear your weather forecasters say “The weather is mostly cloudy today with a chance of Chemtrails over your skies.” Isn't it funny how the weather reporters forget to mention about the planes that fly in your skies all day leaving you and I exposed to dangerous chemicals in the form of Chemtrails?

Sky: A Sci-fi Film:

Oh yes! The clouds above your head are being played with. Your sky is a source of experimenting and electromagnetic frequencies from organizations like HAARP are trying to block the sun by spraying dangerous chemicals. Today, the sky looks to me like a scene from a sci-fi film. It is quite different to the blue sky that we were blessed with before some years. This is due to the highly dangerous aerosol spraying that takes place in the sky implemented by the geoengineers.

Spreading the word:

Even if the authorities committing this crime try to keep these activities a secret or cover it up, the people have been made aware of it through various social media forums. The activists that are concerned about the effects that the weather modifications are causing often hold campaigns for the people to look into this matter. The government authorities are being asked questions like “What are the trails of white chemicals in the sky? How do I know what is going on? Whom do I report to?” These are some of the great signs that show the citizens are aware of the Chemtrails.

Do it yourself:

You can differentiate the chemtrails from normal contrails by a simple do it yourself technique. If you are residing in an area where the flying passenger planes and contrails are normal, you can look for the period of time these trails last. Keep noting your observations on the sky patterns and describe them. When the planes spray chemtrails, they fly back and forth across each other creating grid patterns. If you watch these planes by wearing binoculars, they won't have any company logos.

Report them:

Once you start identifying these dangerous trails in the sky, you must report them to the government authorities. The question is, how? Visit the website and download the SkyderALERT App. Click the picture of the chemtrails in your sky and send it. The picture will get sent to the nearest responsible law maker in your area.

No one but we can Stop Geoengineering. Stand up against Chemtrails and report them now!

Thursday 17 July 2014

Weather Modification Projects: Hacking Hurricanes, Driving Droughts, Steering Snow Storms!

Quite evident to our eyes, the entire world is facing alarming intensity in the weather conditions. It is very cold in some regions and extremely hot in others. So what is happening actually?

Freaky Climatic Conditions: A Matter of Concern:

The highs, the lows, the heat and the cold have been recorded. Surprisingly, very few of the government bodies are explaining what is going wrong with the weather. It seems that they are trying to cover up the Geoengineering projects which are playing with the weather patterns. So where are these projects leading us to?

Flood Fury:

England is facing the worse flood like situation ever since the last 200 years. Some of the areas in Scotland were shut down as the winds were spreading at the level of 135 meters per hour. The typhoon that occurred in Indonesia has wiped out various crops, swaths and more.

Ice Invasions:

More than half of the eastern states of the US have faced untimely snowfall and unprecedented ice storms. In the last December, a whooping difference of 117 degrees was seen in the areas of New Hampshire to Florida.

Geoengineering projects are creating artificial clouds to promote snowfalls which in-turn is making the atmosphere go haywire!

Various places across the globe are reporting about the snow which looks and feels different than the normal one. It consists of cloggy ice crystals and on account of the chemicals it contains, it also catches fire. More surprisingly, it doesn't melt! Snow storms have been noticed in the areas were the temperatures were quite high. So would it be wrong to call it ice invasion? The answer is No!

Dreadful Draughts:

The state of California is facing drought like situation which it has never faced before. The cattlemen based in California are purifying their stocks of crops pertaining to the scarcity of water and grass for grazing. This is sure to affect the beef prices driving the whole eco-system topsy turvy.

Climatic Chaos: Who is responsible?

Geoengineering is leading us to experience climatic chaos as they are under the attempts to cool the temperatures of Arctic Circle by releasing chemicals and gases that are causing even more harm. According to Dane Wigington, an avid researcher and meteorologist, “We are not experiencing normal weather anymore.”

The geoengineers and climatologists are manipulating it through Chemtrail spraying at regular intervals and are using HAARP technology to steer winter waves coming from the Pacific side by steering them up to Alaska. But they don't know that they are taking huge risks here!

Hyper-heated Earth

If you have heard of the concept SRM aka Solar Radiation Management, it is a technique being used by the geoengieers to modify the weather and block the sun. They have done so much of harm to the weather that if they stop, the temperatures will double up and the earth will become a hyper-heated planet. Who will be accountable for that? Needless to say, the Geoengineers and the government bodies supporting them!

According to the International Risk Governance Council, SRM has 3 features:  It is Cheap, Fast and Imperfect. David Keith, one of the authorities at IRGC is of the opinion that by inducing 13,000 tons of sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere, one can stimulate the radiative effects by doubling the CO2 concentrations. Several projects and bills have been proposed in the congress for modifying the weather patterns consciously.  But do you know that they are making things worse for us?

It's the right time to raise our voice and let the climatologists and government bodies know that we know what is happening...We must stop the hacking of our environment taking place right in front of us. To know more, keep watching this space and visit the website

As they have attempted to steer West Coast weather up to the far North this winter they are greatly failing miserably to re-winterize the Arctic. In fact they are accelerating the warming while flash freezing the Eastern half of the United States. The jet stream is pushing the artificially modified, chemically nucleated weather back down onto the Midwest and Eastern climes of North America causing the severe cold, intense freeze and snow that doesn’t melt.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

SkyderALERT App: Download The App and Let The Lawmakers Know That You Care!

Chemtrails, climate engineering and weather modifications. Do you really know what's going on in your sky? Do you think you drink pure water, breathe fresh air and live in a good atmosphere? The answer to the above questions is a big NO! But is there anything you can do to stop them? The answer is “YES”. Read ahead to know “How?

SkyderALERT Android App

Climate Change: Know the Reasons

If you have seen streaks of white lines in the sky, you might not know that Geoengineering is causing it. Geoengineering involves artificially manipulating the climate by spraying chemicals in our atmosphere and trying to block the sun.

The geoengineers claim that they are doing it to “protect the citizens from climate change.” Unfortunately, that is not what they are doing. In fact, by undertaking these projects, they are ruining and manipulating the atmosphere by driving hurricanes, artificial snow storms and fake rains. These things are affecting the bio-diversity on the earth in a huge way. It is time to stop them. So here's the good news. We can definitely and the good news is that we can. Let us know more about that.

The Good News:

The best part is that these conspiracies are having no more remained a secret. There are various forums and awareness campaigns happening online so you can report the illegal activities that are taking place for changing the climate. If you see the unusual grid patterns in your sky, known as chemtrails; there is an application through which you can take the picture of the sky and send it to the lawmakers to let them know about it.

SkyderALERT App

SkyderALERT is a fantastic android and iOS app that puts the power of democracy in your hands. It is the most unique application which is arising a great level of social action among the citizens of different countries! Skyder Inc is a non-profit making organization which has crafted this application and the application falls in the league of top 10 apps created to fight against climate change.

Using SkyderALERT App

All you have to do is to visit the website and go to the 'Get App' Section to download the App. Once you open the app, it will direct you to the camera function so that you can click the picture of the chemtrails in the sky above you and click the hit button to send it.

The photograph you have clicked gets sent to the associated legislators and media persons immediately and they get to know about the Chemtrailing which is going on in your skies. Isn't that great? So what keeps you waiting?

Download the SkyderALERT app, register yourself and sign the petition to let the lawmakers know that you care. It is time to save the world and save yourself! Know more about it through the documentary 'LOOK UP'!

Saturday 12 July 2014

Chemtrails Are A Poison and We Are The Rats!

When I ask you what makes you survive, your prompt reply will be Air, Water and Food and Sunlight. But what if I told you that your air, rainwater and food is full of Aluminum, Barium and other poisonous chemicals and you are being experimented upon?

Chemtrail Culling:

If you search for the verb 'cull' in the dictionary, you will come across a definition that says, “Reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter.” The worse part about culling is that, the population being culled might not aware about it! It is the same with mice. When they are slowly poisoned upon or experimented on, they are not aware of it.
So what have humans to do with that? Here's the thing. The white, persistent long trails that you see in your skies are nothing but 'Chemtrails' that are being sprayed as a part of Geoengineering programs. They contain poisonous chemicals like Aluminum, Barium and Sulphur. When these chemicals are a part of our atmosphere, they are sure to come down in the form of rains. And the know the best!

Claiming climate change:

The persistent spraying of Chemtrails is going on throughout the world. Just Look Up into your sky and you will find it. Not a single day goes by when the jets do not spray chemical substances! As being publicized, the major goal of this spraying is to bring climate change or conduct weather modifications. However, some people are of the opinion that there are many secret goals behind it.

Radiation rains:

Who might have thought that when it starts raining, he/she might actually be bathing oneself with chemicals! The Geoengineering programs are spraying particles in the air that cause the radiation to come down and dehydrate the land by poisoning it.
So who knows if the goal behind these programs is to spray poisonous materials and eventually cull the beings on earth?!

Diverting the 'mice':

Why do we not discover Chemtrails or why were we late in discovering what is happening with us? The answer is because we are being diverted. We are told that these patterns in the sky are nothing but contrails and these programs are intended towards protecting us. But the fact is that, we are getting affected in every way.
The human beings on the earth are becoming vulnerable to diseases like Alzheimer, Autism, Depression, Cancer and others due to the consumption of these chemicals. The dangerous chemicals have been found in the blood of several human beings and the samples have been collected. However, when the authorities are being questioned about it, they cover it up, procrastinate and count the other authorities responsible for it. So who is to blame? The government authorities, the lawmakers or the organizations that are financing these programs?
Let us stop the Chemtrails before they conquer our lives. Let us fight against the unnatural weather modification projects undertaken by the Geoengineering authorities. If you see Chemtrails in your sky, please report them! Download the SkyderALERT App and let them know that you are against this crime. Sign the petition and bring the change now!